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Monday, January 10, 2011

See, It Snows in Georgia! (Part Deaux)

We don't get very much snow here in the South, so when we do, it tends to be an ordeal of sorts. All the news stations disrupt regular programming with "up-to-the-minute" news coverage. And nobody, and I mean nobody, can drive in this weather.

Hence, I got to stay home from work today. But Addy has certainly kept me busy! I tip my hat to all of you stay-at-home moms out there, props! Anyway, here's some pictures of our sweet girl (who is not a fan of the snow AT ALL). When she first saw it out the window this morning, she asked, "Oh no, what is that?" And now, every time she passes a window or catches a glimpse out the back door, she says worriedly, "Oh nooooo!"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Year In Review

Yikes, no posts since Halloween! Epic fail, I know. It goes without saying that the last couple of months have been BUSY (blessed, but busy). And this post doesn't really count as fresh material either, just kind of a cop-out to update you on Addy's huge year. Oh well, maybe these pictures will make up for my utter lack of blogging responsibility:

JANUARY (just chillin' with Inu)

FEBRUARY (visiting in South Carolina)
MARCH (fancy dinner on the town)
APRIL (celebrating my first Easter)
MAY (celebrating my first BIRTHDAY!!!)
JUNE (all dolled up for Father's Day dinner)
JULY (coloring at a friend's birthday party)
AUGUST (getting big enough to push Inu around!)
SEPTEMBER (lovin' life at another trip to the beach!)
OCTOBER (you've stared at the ladybug pictures long enough, so I'll spare you . . . instead here I am showing off my very first pair of boots -- such a diva!!!)
NOVEMBER (giving Thanks for my family and honing in on my Christmas tree curiosities)
DECEMBER (enjoying some time at the park for Christmas Card pictures)
Finished Product (thanks to SanLori for the beautiful cards -- it's a little washed out from having to scan it, but you get the picture):
Here's hoping that you had a merry and blessed Christmas, and that the New Year treats you all well! Thanks for reading and following along, and we'll try to update a little more often here. :P