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Monday, May 23, 2011

Two-Years Old!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet baby girl!!!

Wow, time has just been flying! It feels like we just got done planning her 1st birthday party!

Here are Addy's wellness stats from her two-year appointment today:

1. Weight 27 lbs 4 oz (55-60th percentile)

2. Height 32.5 inches (25th percentile)

3. Head Circumference 50 (87th percentile = that brain continues to dominate! ;)

We had an AMAZING Yo Gabba Gabba-themed birthday party this weekend! Here are some pics:

And we also took the day off from work and daycare today, so that we could spend her actual birthday together as a family. We decided to take her for her first trip to Zoo Atlanta. Here are some pics from today:

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Family Photos!

I know, I know, it's been a while. So, for Mother's Day, Addy and Daddy took me for new pictures! Enjoy!