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Sunday, February 8, 2009

22 Week Baby + Belly Pictures

We had a Maternal Fetal appointment on Friday. My bp was 140/90. Baby's HR was good. Baby currently weighs 13 ounces = good. The tech attempted a complete echocardiogram today, taking as many pictures of baby's heart as she could manage. Of course, baby was not cooperating (we were joking with the tech that Dylan's been giving Philipeanut some pointers). But every heart shot that they did manage to take looked fine. Here are some pics, as promised:


Sara said...

I love the pics of baby! The last one is great - you can see the fingers and everything!

I am so glad to hear that everything is going well. Your bp seems to be holding steady, huh?

You look great! I hope you are feeling good too. :)

DG said...

The baby pictures are very cute! I am so happy that things are going smoothly so far. You look FANTASTIC!